Children should:
- learn to listen actively and so develop concentration and comprehension skills;
- develop the ability to express themselves verbally in a variety of situations;
- achieve enjoyment and success in their use of and response to books and other written materials;
- develop the ability to read, understand and respond to a wide range of text types, including fiction and non-fiction.
At Falkland School, early readers follow a colour banded reading progression, which includes a variety of reading books from the Oxford Reading Tree, Big Cat and Floppy’s Phonics schemes. We aim to provide your child with a rich diet of books, both fiction and non-fiction.
We work to develop, use and enjoy all aspects of English as fully as possible by extending our pupils' capabilities in speaking and listening, reading and writing. We aim to provide a rich, broad and purposeful curriculum which, in combination with systematic target setting, marking and feedback and peer and self-assessment, enables children to improve their work and make good progress.
We follow the letters and sounds phonic scheme.