Falkland Primary School

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Remote learning

The purpose of this page is to provide information and clarity for parents about our approach to remote education. It should make clear expectations in the event of school needing to close, a national lock down; a year group bubble needing to be educated remotely; a cluster of pupils needing to be educated remotely or an individual child needing to self-isolate.

What will school provide in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

  • The child will be provided with a learning pack for the first day’s learning that will reflect work covered in class. The pack will be emailed to parents once they have confirmed that their child needs to self-isolate. In the event of a parent not being able to receive the schoolwork via this method, paper copies will be provided.
  • In the event of a cluster or bubble of pupils requiring remote education the children will be provided with a learning pack for the first day’s learning that will reflect work covered in class. The pack will be emailed to parents for the start of that school day. In the event of a parent not being able to receive the schoolwork via this method, paper copies will be provided.
  • In the event of a school closure or national lockdown the children will be directed to the Oak Academy for the first day of remote learning whilst teachers are given time to prepare for remote learning.


Will remote learning cover the subjects that would normally be taught in class?


  • In the event of an individual child being required to self-isolate the child will be provided with a learning pack for remote learning that will be based around what is being covered by the child’s class. The aim of the packs provided will be to cover as many areas of the curriculum as possible with the child not being able to attend school.

Cluster or bubble of pupils

  • After the first day of remote education, children will participate in online lessons which may include links to pre-recorded lessons as well as live lessons. These will aim to mirror the normal school timetable as much as possible. Some subjects may have to be adjusted to fit in with this style of lesson. For example art, DT, PE and science are subject areas where the content and knowledge can remain unchanged but the activity within the lesson may have to be adjusted.

School closure/National lockdown

  • After the first day of remote education, children will participate in online content which may include links to pre-recorded lessons as well as live lessons. These will aim to mirror the normal school timetable as much as possible. Some subjects may have to be adjusted to fit in with this style of lesson. For example art, DT, PE and science are subject areas where the content and knowledge can remain unchanged but the activity within the lesson may have to be adjusted.


How long will children be expected to take part in online learning each day?

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:


Key stage



1 hour 30 minutes of online learning, daily

1 hour 35 minutes of independent learning activities including access to pre-recorded videos made by the class teacher or other providers.


3 hours 25 minutes of online learning (that includes registration, check in and/or story), independent learning activities, daily


4 hours of online learning , (that includes registration, check in and/or story), independent learning activities, daily


How will my child be taught?

Key stage



Some lessons will be based using an online platform such as Zoom/Teams for whole class learning or a group for phonics and maths. At other times a list of independent learning activities will be shared.


Children will receive online learning using a platform such as Zoom/Teams with their teacher. They will receive daily, maths and English sessions. Other curriculum areas will be covered and adapted for online and independent learning.


Children will receive online learning using a platform such as Zoom/Teams with their teacher. They will receive daily, maths and English sessions. Other curriculum areas will be covered and adapted for online and independent learning.


Engagement and feedback

A timetable of sessions will be sent out with timings for Teams/Zoom sessions. Children will be expected to log onto every session and if particular resources are needed then teachers will have sent information to parents via email.

 Assessing children’s work

Throughout any live lessons and sessions the teachers will be using a variety of methods to check understanding. This will mainly involve questioning, self-marking, mini quizzes and assessments. Any written work completed will need to be photographed and emailed to the class teacher.