Falkland Primary School

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Pupil Voice

At Falkland Primary School we strongly believe that our children should be actively involved in leading positive change in our school. Pupil voice helps us in a variety of ways, including; tailoring our curriculum; focusing on pupils’ interests; reviewing effective teaching and learning and embedding our school values. Whilst there are always opportunities in class for discussion and debate, we use a range of Pupil Voice groups as a means for classes to feedback those ideas to the Senior Leadership Team and effect change. As such, they have lots of opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues – both formally and informally:

 Pupil Survey

Child-Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy

Falkland initiatives – ‘Break the rules’ day

Pupil leader groups

Pupil interviews with staff and governors


The representatives for each group work with a key member of staff to work on specific projects and to canvas pupil opinion across the school on key issues.  Representatives are selected by submitting an application form. Falkland Pupil Voice leaders include pupils representing Reading Champions, Sport Leaders, Digi-Leaders, Music Leaders, Well-Being Warriors, Falkland Ambassadors and Eco Warriors.

Our Pupil Voice Leaders 2024-25