Falkland Primary School

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Our School Day


The school day is from 8.45am until 3.15pm.

Registration will be taken at 8.50am.


Lunchtimes are as follows:

Reception -        11.50 until 1.00pm

KS1 -                   12.00 until 1.00pm


Lower KS2 -      12.15 until 1.15pm

Upper KS2 -       12.15 until 1.15pm



 The front and back gates will be opened at 8.30am. Pupils, parents and carers may use whichever entry suits them. The back gate will be used unless the weather or ground conditions cause it to remain closed. Both gates will be closed at 8.50am.

Children in Early Years will be let into class from 8.40am. Children in KS1 can come into school from 8.40am and get ready for the day. Staff will be there to supervise them. Children in KS2 remain in the playground until the duty member of staff blows the whistle for them to line up at 8.45am. At the whistle signal, all parents and carers leave the playground and then classes lead into their respective blocks.

Break Times

 Mid-morning break time (staggered from 10.30am to 11am)

EYFS and KS1 children will be offered a fruit or vegetable snack. KS2 children may bring a healthy snack to eat during break (no crisps or chocolate please).

All children take their morning break outside unless it is raining. In the case of illness during break time, children should be directed or taken to the first aid posts where a first aid trained member of staff will be on duty.


Playtime duties

There are at least two members of staff on duty each playtime in  the playground of every phase of the school. Ratios may vary depending on the needs of specific pupils.

The adventure playground and climbing apparatus areas in the KS1 playground is used on a rota basis by each infant class. 

Play fighting is not allowed, nor is any game which involves one child lifting another – e.g. ‘Piggy back’ or ‘British Bulldog’.


Wet playtimes

The children will remain inside and be made aware by their class teacher of what they are able to do in the event of wet play.  Activities should be confined to tables or floor space and there should be no unnecessary movement around the classrooms.  Children will remain in their own classes and be encouraged to read, draw or play board games with a member of staff supervising them.



Lunchtime supervisors are assigned to a year group for lunchtime supervision. EYFS all eat together in the main hall. For the rest of the school, school meals are eaten in the main school hall and packed lunches are eaten in the classrooms with lunchtime controller supervision.


End of playtimes

The whistle is blown in the playground which is the signal for all children to stop what they are doing. A second whistle will be blown to signal it is time to tidy up equipment and to line up.    


Home Time

The school ends at 3.15 pm.

The Early Years and KS1 staff release children in their class to a known adult.

Y3 children will be taken to the playground to meet their adult.

Y4 – 6 will be dismissed from their class. This will mean some older children with permission from their parents or carers can then walk home on their own and others can meet their adult in the school playground or outside the back gate.


In all cases children are reminded that if the person they are expecting to meet them is not there, they must return to their classroom and tell their teacher or return to the school office. They must not wander off alone.

Length of School Week: Government Guidance