Falkland Primary School

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Our Governors

Welcome to the Governors' section of the school website. Governors are volunteers who play an important role in schools, providing critical friendship, constructive challenge, informed recommendations and support. The Governing Board support, lead and grow the school by working closely with our Headteacher, senior leaders, teachers and other members of staff to make our school a happy, flourishing and inspiring place.

Governors can be parents of children at the school or individuals from the local community and businesses, of all ages and backgrounds, who bring with them a range of useful skills and experiences. People like you.

Governors are recruited on the basis of the skills and experience they bring to the Board and care is taken to address any gaps that may exist. The intention is to recruit a diverse set of Governors to ensure a balanced and dynamic Governing Board.

Governor candidates are asked to submit an application and shortlisted candidates will be invited to a panel interview. If successful, the elected Governor will be subject to an enhanced DBS check (mandatory for maintained schools) and will be required to attend relevant training courses to set them up to succeed in the role.


What is the role of a Governor?

The key aspects the role of a Governor is to:

  • ensure the school has clarity of vision, ethos and direction. Governors support by setting the aims and objectives, policies and targets for the school.
  • monitor and evaluate progress and to support and challenge the Headteacher. This is achieved through regular meetings and Governor school/classroom visits.
  • oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure money is being spent well.


How do Governors help our children?

School Governors are individuals who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education and the local community and want to play a part in shaping a child’s school journey. Together with the Headteacher, they set the future direction of the school and determine how the school’s budget should be spent. Governing Boards make decisions collectively on key compliance, strategic and performance topics, such as school policies and the school’s development plan. The Governing Board challenges the school to ensure it is realising its full potential and performing at its best.

The ultimate driver for all our Governors is "what is the best thing for the school and the children who attend it both now and in the future?" 


Categories of Governors

  • Parent Governor - Elected by parents and carers of children at the school.
  • Co-opted Governor - Appointed by the Governing Body to represent the wider community.
  • Staff Governor - Elected by the teaching and support staff at the school.
  • Local Authority - Appointed by the Local Authority.
  • Additional Governor - Appointed by the Local Authority as temporary Governors to provide advice and support to the substantive Governing Body.
  • Clerk to Governors - Employed by the school to Clerk Governing Body meetings. The Clerk also provides advice to the Chair and rest of the Governing Body during meetings.


How is the Governing Board structured?

The Falkland Governing Board (FGB) structure was created to ensure effective Governor coverage across the priority areas for the school set out in the school development and strategic plans and to manage workload. The FGB consists of a mixture of committees, groups and individual (link) roles, all of which work collaboratively to drive progress. 

The FGB meet every half term and the committees and groups tend to meet monthly or bi-monthly.


How can you get in contact with the School Governors?

We are always keen to hear the views of parents, staff, children and members of the local community. Please get in touch by emailing the Clerk to Governors cgovernors@falkland.w-berks.sch.uk.

Our Governors may also be contacted via the school office. If you have concerns relating to the day-to-day running of the school these should, in the first instance, be referred to the Headteacher.