Falkland Primary School

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Religious Education: We are Faith Explorers

We are learning. We are growing. We are Falkland.

New Locally Agreed syllabus to launch April 2025

As a school we have been chosen to trial a new scheme written to deliver the Pan Berkshire syllabus. We are delighted to have joined Jigsaw RE in trialling the lesson materials and resources in the Spring term. Our RE overview will be updated once the trial has concluded. 



At Falkland, we believe that teaching RE is important because it is challenging and personally enriching. It helps our children to develop values (including British values) and beliefs, and it promotes their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

In Falkland, we aim to foster thoughtful reflections, discussions and reasoned arguments through our teaching about religions and world views so that our children can understand the place of religion and belief in the modern world. In particular, we encourage respect and empathy, values which will support our children to make a positive contribution to our diverse modern society.