Falkland Primary School

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We are Personal, Social & Health Warriors

We are learning. We are growing. We are Falkland.

Linked to our vision, at Falkland School we have six core values. These are linked to characters to help children follow and understand our values. These are:

  • Teamwork – because we work as a team (Team Ant)
  • Honesty – because we are honest (Honest Owl)
  • Resilience – because we are resilient (Tough Turtle)
  • Reflection – because we are reflective (Reflective Racoon)
  • Kindness – because we are kind (Sensitive Squirrel)
  • Resourcefulness – because we are resourceful (Busy Bees)

We hope that our Falkland values inspire our children to adopt positive values in their lives so that they can strive to be the best people that they can be and actively demonstrate these values in their daily lives, thereby helping to create a sustainable world. We hope that our Falkland values influence our actions and attitudes, and guide us through life in all that we do and influence our relationship with ourselves and others in a positive manner.