Falkland Primary School

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We are Musicians

We are learning. We are growing. We are Falkland.

At Falkland, we believe that music is a powerful medium which is accessible for children of all abilities and backgrounds. It is proven that music has numerous benefits for supporting children’s emotional health and well-being. Music has the power to foster connections within the brain which will improve memory and coordination. The skills involved in playing and listening to music will also help learners develop the confidence, resilience, cooperation, creativity, and self-motivation necessary for success. We aim to establish a lifelong passion for music as an art form that is accessible to all. There is no need for specialist skills nor background knowledge to listen to and appreciate music. It is an art form that is entwined into the fabric of our lives and we aim to enable children to enrich their experience of all types of music. It is our vision that every child adopts an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.